I am pleased to announce the redesign of the GC(2) site!
This is something long overdue and I am very excited about it’s development. It is almost night and day to the previous version and it is a testament of my growth as a developer. When I first took on this project, it took about three weeks and riddled with errors. I kept seeing this "clearfix" class thrown about and had no clue as to it’s purpose; so I just deleted it. (Happy to say now I know whats it’s for.) Plus, I used a template that was poor in design and poorly documented.
Features are included that, before, I did not have the know-how to complete. Simple things like an image carousel, a fixed/collapsed navigation bar, some cool transitions, member profiles and testimonials, etc.
Using Bootstrap was used to build, as well as a few jQuery Plugins. I’m of the opinion both are used excessively when a simple HTML boilerplate and Vanilla Javascript would suffice, but because of the big picture goals for the organization, they are a good fit.
There still are things I’d like to add such as a schedule of events and the curriculum section for members, but at least for now it is not such an e̶m̶b̶a̶r̶r̶a̶s̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ eye-sore.
More to come on this, but so far, so good!